This page includes a list of our services and a breakdown of how much each of them cost. These business consulting fees are subject to change at any point and can be negotiated at the discretion of the owner.
Base Rate - $75/hr
This hourly rate is negotiable depending on the scale and scope of the project. This option is recommended for any individual or business who requires less than 4 hours per week of specialized attention.
Monthly Retainer - $1k+
These ongoing business consulting fees depend on the amount of work expected. This is recommended for any individual or business who requires between 4-10 hours per week of specialized attention.
50% paid upfront
50% paid upon completion
Project-based rates depend on an analysis done by Zach B Consulting. This fee for services can be negotiated and will be approved by both parties via a written and signed contract before any work is completed.
An invoice for services will be generated after both parties agree to and sign the contract. It is up to the individual and/or business how they would like to pay for services rendered.
One option is to pay via credit card. Individuals can pay with a personal card, and businesses can pay through a business card.
Checks, cash and other forms of payment are up to the discretion of Zach B Consulting.
Most companies will want to pay through direct deposit. After both parties have agreed to and signed the contract, Zach B Consulting can provide a routing and account number for the client to pay for services rendered.
Contact us today and discover how you can B successful with Zach B Consulting.
Zach B Consulting
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A Spanish With A Gringo® Company
Zach B Consulting and the logo design are pending trademarks of and belong to Spanish With A Gringo LLC. These marks may not be used in whole or in part in any form without prior written consent.
Consulting for Individuals and Small Businesses